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George Routledge and Sons
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Available items(s) from this publisher (1)

Modern trade unionism: a study of the present tendencies and the future of trade unions in Britain / J. T. Murphy
Title : Modern trade unionism: a study of the present tendencies and the future of trade unions in Britain Material Type: printed text Authors: J. T. Murphy Publisher: ,aBritain : George Routledge and Sons Publication Date: 1935 Pagination: p. 199 Keywords: Economics Trade unions Industries Great Britain Class number: 331.8 Modern trade unionism: a study of the present tendencies and the future of trade unions in Britain [printed text] / J. T. Murphy . - ,aBritain : George Routledge and Sons, 1935 . - p. 199.
Keywords: Economics Trade unions Industries Great Britain Class number: 331.8 Copies
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