Author details
Author Thomas Ghornton |
Available item(s) by this author (1)

Rebuilding a house divided: a memoir by the architect of Germany's reunification / Hans-Dietrich Gancher
Title : Rebuilding a house divided: a memoir by the architect of Germany's reunification Material Type: printed text Authors: Hans-Dietrich Gancher ; Thomas Ghornton Publisher: New York : Broadway Books Publication Date: 1997 Pagination: p. 580 , ill. Accompanying material: Translated from the German Keywords: History Foreign ministers, Germany Germany, foreign relations Biography Germany Class number: 943.0 Rebuilding a house divided: a memoir by the architect of Germany's reunification [printed text] / Hans-Dietrich Gancher ; Thomas Ghornton . - New York : Broadway Books, 1997 . - p. 580 , ill. + Translated from the German.
Keywords: History Foreign ministers, Germany Germany, foreign relations Biography Germany Class number: 943.0 Copies
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